
North West Cambridge

Aecom | Cambridge, UK

The challenge

Aecom’s landscape architecture team was developing a masterplan for a 150-hectare development at the University of Cambridge. It was an enormous mixed-use project for 3,000 homes, 2,000 student beds, commercial and academic spaces, retail, a community centre, health care centre, a primary school and nurseries, a new hotel, and central energy centre. Sustainability was a key component of their design, including solar power, a district heating network, and rainwater recycling. The project was  encouraging low levels of car use and increased cycling and walking.

What we did

We began by developing a site-wide masterplan to build pedestrian connectivity within the site and beyond to nearby employment areas and the city centre. This led to a family of coordinated signage, including mapping nodes, directional signs, and building identification. We used galvanised steel frames and posts to reflect the site’s former agricultural use.

Why it works

A large number of architectural teams worked on the project and our role involved working closely with everyone to develop a site-wide, coordinated building identification and addressing system.

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