Wayfinding strategies aren’t just important for town centres. We work alongside house builders, architects and landscape architects on major housing developments to make sure new housing developments and urban extensions have a sense of identity and are well connected.
Our latest appointment, from Redrow Homes, is for Plasdŵr, Cardiff, where we will be delivering a wayfinding strategy for one of Cardiff’s key areas for growth.
Plasdŵr is the name of Cardiff’s north west strategic site. The city council has earmarked the site in its local development plan for around 7,000 new homes, five schools, a district centre, leisure facilities and healthcare services.

The first phase of development is complete and residents are moving in.
Our role, as the next phases across this extensive site start to be rolled out, is to devise a comprehensive wayfinding strategy that enhances connectivity across the different character areas.
A key aim is to encourage residents to choose active travel, and make the most of new areas of public open space and woodland.

Sue Manley, Placemarque’s Strategy Director said:
“Using the site’s natural topography, and a former railway line that runs through the site, the scheme will include a linear park, providing valuable green space for residents and the public.
“Part of our strategy will consider how to use wayfinding to encourage users into the park.”
Wayfinding plays a key part in creating successful housing developments that have a clear sense of identity. If you’re interested in talking to us about how we can help you achieve that, get in touch.